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S3 Ep. 6 | Environmental Bills
Discussing environmental bills.
S3 Ep. 5 | More Lending and Housing
S3 Ep. 4 | Subprime Lending and Pharmacist Contraceptives
Hearing deadlines are quickly approaching, which means we are nearing the mid point of the session.
S3 Ep. 3 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TANF clears the Senate!
S3 Ep. 2 | Mental Health, Poverty
The bills are moving rapidly, folks.
S3 Ep. 1 | Driving Cards for Immigrants
The 2023 session begins!
S2 Ep. 11 | Faithful Citizenship
The ICC Staff dive into the topic of Faithful Citizenship.
SS Ep. 2 | Special Session Summary
A summary of the special session.
SS Ep. 1 | Abortion and Family Policy
The special session begins.
S2 Ep. 10 | Session Wrap Up
The final podcast of the 2022 session.