The public policy voice of the
Catholic Church in Indiana.
“The teaching and spreading of her social doctrine are part of the Church’s evangelizing mission. ”
What does the Catholic Church teach?
Wedged between the battle lines of a polarized nation, Catholics understand their role in public life must reveal the beauty of our humanity. Their “participation in political parties or other groups to which [they] may belong should be influenced by [their] faith, not the other way around”. A well formed conscience is able to apply the teachings of the Church consistently and with charity.
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Stay up to date on the latest activities during the months of the Indiana General Assembly (January-April) by recieving ICAN (Indiana Catholic Action Network) Updates, and stay on top of pressing issues throughout the rest of the year.
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Faithful Citizenship
The teachings of the Catholic Church have the power to transform our communities, state, and nation. Become a Faithful Citizen.
“The Catholic approach to faithful citizenship rests on moral principles found in Sacred Scripture and Catholic moral and social teaching as well as in the hearts of all people of good will.”
— Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, no. 43